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MG | Patberts

Managing Director

I got RL in late 2015 and immediately took a liking to its easy to pick up, yet endlessly entertaining game design. I decided to join an esports organization to promote the game, but ended up going my own way as it had no plans to branch out to EU.

When I created MG, the goal was to provide small time tournaments to a EU audience, specifically in more niche game modes such as 1s and 2s.

We focused around accessibility to all levels, and ended up building a tightly knit community of like-minded people who stuck around for the atmosphere as much as the game, which I’m very proud of.

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MG | BreastQuest

Tournament Manager

I joined Mind Games after bumping into Patberts in unranked 2s.

I quickly discovered a very friendly, tightly knit community of similar minded people with a semi-competitive approach to Rocket League, and a real desire to provide a place for players to hang out as much as compete.

A couple of months passed and I became very much involved in developing what would become Mind Games’ staple competition - the Mind Games League. Following season 1 of MGL, I was offered to make my work official by becoming Tournament Manager, which I gladly accepted.


MG | Gustas

Advertising Director

I joined Mind Games in a similar fashion to BreastQuest. I queued up for some unranked 2s and met Patberts. After finishing the game, he asked if I wanted to join his discord server and I did.

I started off by participating in the MG 1v1 tournaments, which was a lot of fun, but as time passed, I wanted to get more involved with Mind Games.

So a couple of months later, I became the advertising director, and ever since, I've been responsible for the promotion of our tournaments, finding partners and making the community grow.